hey I’ve seen you haven’t been active in a while and I just wanted to tell you that I hope that whatever is wrong gets better and that I along with many people love you and your tumblr ❤❤


Aww thank you~!

Thank you for thinking of me, this really means a lot to me right now. I’m planning to visit my family this coming week so I still won’t be active but hopefully after the holidays I will be back in the swing of things. And I love each and every one of my followers who still are sticking with me through my in-activeness. Thank you loves~

Is nsb coming back? If not that fine I love your new thing now too!

Right now it’s on the back burner.. I’ve just been so stressed with my personal life that I can’t even focus on creating my NSB story.. I hope I can get back into it one day.
As I’m sure you’ve noticed I haven’t been posting much either. I apologise for the lack of posts, I’ve lost a lot of motivation to play. I’m having a hard time focusing on anything right now.. not just Sims but everything else.
Sorry this ended up being more of a personal rant than a quick reply. 💔